Class Descriptions – Zion Pre-K

Read our Program Description

Opportunities for 3 Year Old Turning 4 during the school year

Traditional 3 year old Classroom

Age 3 by September 1st of school year and potty trained.

The 3 year old classes that meet 2 and 3 days a week are geared to children three years of age turning four during the school year. Children participate in large and small group activities. Songs, finger plays, stories, blocks, manipulative toys, art, dramatic play and a trip to our large muscle room are available every day. Positive self-esteem and a love for school are an important emphasis for this first year of preschool.

Young 3’s

Young 3’s

We would like to invite our Young 3’s to attend one of our traditional 3 year old classes. Your child will be with other 3 year old’s and have their first preschool experience.

Age 3 by December 1st of the school year and potty trained.

Not yet 3 years old. This class is designed to welcome children into a group setting primarily focusing on play. The 1-day class will have weekly themes, songs, finger plays and activities similar to the 2 and 3 day classes but will be more of an overview. This is a great opportunity to get involved in a first time group setting.

Kindergarten Readiness

Traditional 4 year old Classroom

Age 4 by September 1st of the coming school year.

Building on the activities of the 3 year old classes, Zion’s Kindergarten readiness classes provide activities planned to increase a child’s readiness for school and nurture life skills in socialization, intellectual growth, physical development and self esteem. All in a nurturing play based setting.

Kindergarten readiness offers academic and social building blocks for a healthy beginning to Kindergarten. Our goal is to make the transition to Kindergarten as smooth and positive as possible. This is a year for Preschool staff and families to work together to create an environment that prepares a confident 5 year old student for their formal years of education. **Alphabet and number awareness is part of our daily curriculum.

Upon completion of the Kindergarten readiness preschool year, our goal for your child is to have a passion for learning and the confidence within themselves to enter kindergarten with a solid foundation to build their educational future.

High 5’s

Age of 5 by September 1st of the coming school year.

Not sure about Kindergarten for your child? This class is your answer. In addition to school readiness skills that are provided in the 4 year old classes, the High 5’s class continues to build opportunities to grow confidence and maturity prior to kindergarten.

  • 5 hour class meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00-2:00.
  • High 5’s offers children with summer birthdays  another year to grow, learn, and mature before entering kindergarten
  • The goal of this class is to prepare your 5 year old for Kindergarten with focus on skills learned in the 4 year old classes.
  • The 5’s curriculum is based play based with a focus on alphabet and numeral recognition, cutting and printing.
  • For students that have been a 4 year old student in their previous year, the daily format while similar offers opportunities unique to High 5’s
  • A shelf stable, bag lunch from home will need to be provided.

Lunch Bunch

Mixed ages 3, 4, & 5 year old – Noon to 2:00 pm

If you’re seeking a slightly longer experience for your preschooler, offering transition opportunities and outdoor play, the Lunch Bunch program is your answer. Upon noon dismissal of the regular preschool day, students enrolled in Lunch Bunch gather to meet new friends, participate in fun preschool activities, eat lunch and play outdoors. A balanced, shelf stable, bag lunch from home will need to be provided.


Students enrolled Mon/Wed/Fri add Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 2:00 pm

StarZ enrichment is to provide extended learning opportunities and challenges for pre-k students. StarZ  gives your child more time to explore concepts with greater depth. Take advantage of Starz enrichment to expand your child’s mind and physical development

Summer opportunities

Camp and Z+

Age 3 by January 1st of the coming summer  and potty trained.

Summer at Zion Pre-K is an opportunity to keep your child engaged in school while enjoying the long days of summer. Camps and Z+ meet 9:00AM-2:00 PM. Camp is for the full week Z+ you can pick you days within 3 week sessions to fit your family’s needs. Take a look at our flyers below for full details.

Summer 2025 information:

Z+ Summer Z+ 2025 Summer Z+ registration form 2025

Camps  Summer camp 2025 Summer Camp Registration 2025

Non-discriminatory Policy

Zion Pre-Kindergarten admits students and employs staff of any race, color, religion, and ancestry, national or ethnic origin. While we admit all children regardless of race, color, national, or ethnic origin, disability, or gender, we cannot guarantee that we can adequately serve children with special needs or certain physical impairments. We keep in mind the health and safety of all children enrolled in our program. If you wish to enroll your child with special needs, a planning session will be held with Parent(s)/Guardian(s), health and/or education specialist(s), the Director, and classroom staff to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).