Preschool Registrations for the 2022/2023 School Year

Preschool Education

We offer a place for children to learn, grow and discover with their peers in a creative, safe and supportive environment. Please download and review our 2022 Zion Pre-Kindergarten Brochure for class descriptions and tuition fees.

Zion Pre-K 2022-2023

If your first choice for class placement is filled, we are happy to place your name on a wait list as changes do occur. Zion Pre-K is excited to welcome students to another fun year of learning and friendships.

Preschool Registration

To register your child, download the registration card here: 2022-2023 Registration Card. Complete the form and mail or drop it off at Zion Pre-K. Please include the $50 non-refundable registration fee. As a result a confirmation will be mailed to you to confirm your registration.

About Zion Pre-K

The mission of Zion Lutheran Church and Zion Pre-K is to offer a quality preschool education in a secure Christian environment through varied activities that meet the physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of the young child within a safe and creative environment. Students and their families participate in outreach ministries including Toys for Joy Campaign, ACBC Food Drives and the community Mitten Tree.

Classes are half-day in length, from 9 am to 12 noon. There is a Lunch Bunch option from 12 noon to 2 pm, and High Fives meet three days a week from 9 am to 2 pm. The school serves around one hundred children and is licensed by the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Join Us

Preschool Registrations - Zion Pre-K AnokaWe welcome you and your child to stop by and check us out. Our school year office hours are Monday – Friday 8:30am – 2:30pm.  To arrange a time with Denise Lewandowski, the Pre-K Director, please call the Pre-K office at 763-506-8181

Some classes have a wait list. Other sessions have openings,

Mailing address: Zion Pre-K, 1601 4th Ave. Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763-506-8181